Greisinger EASYLOG40NS Data Logger

Greisinger EASYLOG40NS Data Logger Image

Are you interested in the product Greisinger EASYLOG40NS Data Logger from manufacturer Greisinger with code EASYLOG40NS? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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EASYLOG 40NS W:elbow-plug in accordance with EN 175301-803/A for connection to an existing transmitter. EASYLOG 40NS K:approx. 0.5 m connection cable Noise immunity (EMC): the EASYLOG have been manufactured in accordance with the regulations concerning EMC (2004/108/EG). The device meets EN 61326-1 (table 2, class B) additional error: < 0,5%