Greisinger ROTARO 3 603861 Rotation Speed Measuring Device

Greisinger ROTARO 3 603861 Rotation Speed Measuring Device Image

Are you interested in the product Greisinger ROTARO 3 603861 Rotation Speed Measuring Device from manufacturer Greisinger with code ROTARO 3? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Rotation speed measuring device via light andrefl ecting label or measuring tipApplication:The handheld tachometer rotaro 3 is useful at the installationand setup of plants and machinery as well as for serviceapplication, monitoring production processes or use atdevelopment laboratory. The rotaro 3 can measure rotaryspeed of for example motors, turbines, pumps as well asstirring devices, centrifuges and haulage installations, foilor textile manufacturing units, coil and transformer windingmachines, machine tools, etc. Furthermore it can measurerunning speed and length of foils and band of all kind.