Kiepe HEN EX Belt Conveyor - Pull Rope Switch

Kiepe HEN EX  Belt Conveyor - Pull Rope Switch Image

Are you interested in the product Kiepe HEN EX Belt Conveyor - Pull Rope Switch from manufacturer Kiepe with code HEN EX? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Zone 21 and/or 22: combustible , conductible dust - Enclosure: Aluminium - Pull rope length up to 2x 50m - two-sideContact configuration:                        up to 3 NO and 3 NO positive-making contactsPermissible ambient Tempertature:  -25°C up to +70°CApplication:                                           HEN EX xxx 2D : Devices for Zone 21 and 22 (2D)                                                               HEN EX xxx 3D : Devices for Zone 22 (3D)  B10d                                                      =24,000 operations