SKF 7006 CDTP/HCP4B Ball Bearing

SKF 7006 CDTP/HCP4B Ball Bearing Image

Are you interested in the product SKF 7006 CDTP/HCP4B Ball Bearing from manufacturer SKF with code 7006 CDTP/HCP4B? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Dimensionsd 30mmD 55mmB 13mmd1 37.7mmd2 37.7mmD1 47.3mmr1,2min.1mmr3,4min.0.3mma 12.3mmAbutment dimensionsdamin.34.6mmdbmin.34.6mmDamax.50.4mmDbmax.53mmramax.1mmrbmax.0.3mmCalculation dataBasic dynamic load ratingC 14.3kNBasic static load ratingC0 8kNFatigue load limitPu 0.245kNAttainable speed for grease lubrication  38000r/minContact angle? 15°Ball diameterDw 7.938mmNumber of ballsz 14 Reference grease quantityGref 1.59cm³Preload and stiffness (back-to-back, face-to-face)Preload class AGA 50NStatic axial stiffness, preload class A  34N/µmCalculation factorsCalculation factorf 1.06 Calculation factorf1 1 Calculation factorf2A 1 Calculation factorfHC 1.02 Calculation factorf0 9.4 MassMass bearing  0.095kg