Vorwald R/N:410/62409/7/0605 15MMX1823,5MM Shaft

Vorwald R/N:410/62409/7/0605 15MMX1823,5MM Shaft Image

Are you interested in the product Vorwald R/N:410/62409/7/0605 15MMX1823,5MM Shaft from manufacturer Vorwald with code R/N:410/62409/7/0605 15MMX1823,5MM Shaft? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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 WR Extended expansion range for clamping varying core diameters • OL Overlapping expansion ledges for narrow web winding • CB Preliminary centering of the core over the shaft body • CE Preliminary centering of the core with additional expansion ledges • Special dimensions are possible on inquiry Advantages + Simple construction according to the modular design principle + Dirt accumulation is minimised + High rotation speeds are possible + Very short repair times + Numerous variants Available shaft diameters from 12.5 to 300 mm