Megger ARM 3-E Arc Stabilising Unit

Megger ARM 3-E  Arc Stabilising Unit Image

Are you interested in the product Megger ARM 3-E Arc Stabilising Unit from manufacturer Megger with code ARM 3-E? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Active ARM fault location with built-in impulse generation Conduct prelocation with either the surge generator or directly for LV fault location Compatible with all surge generators and re ectometers The ARM 3-E lets you prelocate high resistance faults by providing short-term stabilisation of an arc. The arc is then ignited by a surge wave generator (SWG) where surge voltages of up to 32 kV are allowed. The ARM 3-E also eliminates high impedance in the current circuit, allowing the SWG’s ignition to be used to full effect. This makes it ideal for finding faults in long cables, those with poor transmission or those in extremely wet conditions.