VISHAY BLH Alpha Load Beam Hermetically Sealed Bending Beam

VISHAY BLH Alpha Load Beam  Hermetically Sealed Bending Beam Image

Are you interested in the product VISHAY BLH Alpha Load Beam Hermetically Sealed Bending Beam from manufacturer VISHAY BLH with code Alpha Load Beam? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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The Alpha Beam is a low capacity differential bending beam transducer designed for use in a wide range of medical, industrial, and testing applications. It's unique features are a combination of superb accuracy and performance in a package that is very well sealed against moisture and solvents. Alpha Beams meet both OIML requirements for accuracy and IP67 requirements for moisture protection. Rated force capacities range from approximately 5.5 to 112 pounds (25 to 500 Newtons). Within capacity range, Alpha Beams measure force bidirectionally, producing an output mV/V signal directly proportional to the force applied. The heart of the patented Alpha Beam is the BLH developed SR-4&reg, foil strain gage. Strain Gages are electrically connected to form a balanced Wheatstone Bridge. Compensation resistors maintain the accuracy of the bridge over a wide range of temperatures. The gaged element within the beam metal bellows is environmentally sealed against all adverse conditions, including water immersion. Alpha Load Beams are approved by Factory Mutual Research (FM) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) for use in Class l, ll, and lIl, Division 1 and 2 hazardous locations. They also are OIML tested and approved in accordance with paragraph 8.1 of the European Standard on Metrological aspects of nonautomatic weighing instrument EN 45501:1992 and by application of the OIML International Recommendation R 60 (Edition 1991).